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Central Ohio
David Cooke
Mike Earl
Gregory Roebuck
James Underhill
Steve Walburn
Crystal Yeagle
Charleston and Huntington
Molly Savilla
Ginger Sergent
Albert Gonzalez
Gesela Brown
Mitch Florence
Louisville Metro
Pamela Singleton
Jesson Kirk Tuthill
John Ansara
Jeff Miller
Jeremy Shaffer
Mid Atlantic
Paul Concannon
Tina Diamond
Mike Dunn
Mark Ferguson
Erik Fridley
Ken Gerhart
Chad Hartman
Daniel McDonald
Juan Carlos Molina
James Reed
Laura Vest
North Central WV
Annette Amtower
Wesley Barrickman
Marcia Blount
Northern Indiana
Patrick Ward
Northern Kentucky
Northern Ohio
Davenia Akram
Saprina Allen
Donna Atwood
Scott Beck
Joe Conroy
Robert Crum
Jenni French
Tom Hogrefe
Kim Illig
Pamela Koester
Stacy Kondas
Darrin Kresevic
Carrie Meszaros
Tammy Moses
Jody Moss
Scott Poling
Brittany Stewart
Denise Thomas
Ronald Webb
Brian Calabrase
Lorraine Cipra
Michael Colangelo
Shelly Roberts
Southeast Ohio
Randy Aaron Arms
Southern Indiana
Vicki Rough
Southwest Ohio
David Ackermann
Melanie Ahrens
Patti McClister
Monica Notestine
Kathleen Nunlist
Jeannine Roediger
Upper Ohio Valley
Ashlee Burkey
Debbie Starosciak
Michael Wisnieski
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Payment Amortization
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Annual Percentage Rate
Debt Consolidation
Prepayment Savings
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Documentation Needed
Items Needed Checklist
Income Items
Most recent 30-days of pay stubs from your present employer showing year-to-date earnings
Name and mailing address of your prior employers covering a minimum 2-year period
Signed & dated copies of your Federal Tax Returns (including all schedules) for the previous two years
W-2 forms for the previous two years
Year-To-Date Profit and Loss Statement signed by your Accountant
Corporate/Partnership Tax Returns for the previous two years with original signatures
Partnership Agreement(s)
Renal/Lease Agreements on any rental/investment property owned
Copy of any Notes due you that you derive income from
Verification of stocks owned as well as any dividend income you earn from them
Verification and explanations for:
Commission Income
Overtime Income
Bonus Income
Separation Agreement/Papers
Final Divorce Decree/Papers
Proof of child support or alimony payments received for the last 6 months (court paid or cancelled checks)
Letter from Social Security showing the awarding of your monthly social security benefits
Letter from your Pension Plan showing the awarding of your monthly benefits for pension
Credit Items
Name and address of current landlord or present mortgage holder/land contract holder
Letter of explanation for any of the following:
Slow payments
Credit Inquiries
Copy of Bankruptcy Petition, All Schedules, Notice of Discharge and a Written Explanation
Other Items
Copy of the Deed showing Ownership in Property (if a refinance)
Copy of Original Purchase Contract with all exhibits, attachments and addendums on home being purchased
Closing statement on sale of current or previous property
Completed and Signed Gift Letter on form provided by WesBanco Bank
Copy of Purchase Contract on current home that you are selling
Copies of the last two month's account statements for all deposit accounts listed on the loan application (all pages)
Copy of your DD 214 form
Copy of your Certificiate of Eligibility form
Copy of your current driver's license - for each borrower involved; check to make sure it is not expired
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